Career Opportunities

Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Health Opportunities:

None at the moment!

Student Opportunities

  • Interested in Volunteering with us? Email:

Volunteer Opportunities

  • The Summer Science Program Volunteer role is to help provide an enriched, positive, affirming, confidence-building, and stimulating learning environment and experience for the SSP students and ease stress and pressure for staff members. Email:
  • Interested in becoming a facilitator for UBC 23 24 Indigenous cultural safety program? Email:

Community opportunities

  1. Management & Leadership
  2. Clincial Health Practictioner
  3. Patient Support
  4. Data, Research, & Evaluation

Stay connect with us!

Be sure to stay in touch with us via our newsletter to get up to date news on CEIH programming, course offerings and more!

Learn about the Centre for Excellence in Indigenous Health